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Magic Console consumes the script Atom package service which is responsible for mapping source code grammars to runtimes and evaluating the source code. script currently supports 64 programming languages:

  • 1C (BSL) [Ø](#o-stroke)
  • AppleScript
  • Bash [**](#double-asterisk)
  • Behat Feature
  • C [*](#asterisk)[‡](#double-dagger)
  • C++ [*](#asterisk)[‡](#double-dagger)
  • C# Script [*](#asterisk)
  • Clojure (via Leiningen) [ϖ](#pi)
  • Coffeescript
  • CoffeeScript (Literate) [^](#caret)
  • Crystal
  • Cucumber (Gherkin) [*](#asterisk)
  • D [*](#asterisk)
  • DOT (Graphviz)
  • Elixir
  • Erlang [†](#dagger)
  • F# [*](#asterisk)
  • Forth (via GForth)
  • Gnuplot
  • Go [*](#asterisk)
  • Groovy
  • Haskell
  • ioLanguage (http://iolanguage.org/)
  • Java [***](#triple-asterisk)
  • Javascript
  • JavaScript for Automation (JXA)
  • Jolie [*](#asterisk)
  • Julia
  • Kotlin
  • LaTeX (via latexmk)
  • LilyPond
  • Lisp (via SBCL) [⍵](#omega)
  • Literate Haskell [*](#asterisk)
  • LiveScript
  • Lua
  • Makefile
  • MoonScript
  • MongoDB
  • NCL[#](#hash)
  • newLISP
  • Nim (and NimScript)
  • NSIS
  • Objective-C [*](#asterisk)[‡](#double-dagger)
  • Objective-C++ [*](#asterisk)[‡](#double-dagger)
  • OCaml [*](#asterisk)
  • Pandoc Markdown [††](#two-daggers)
  • Perl
  • Perl 6
  • PHP
  • PostgreSQL [§](#section)
  • Python
  • RSpec
  • Racket
  • RANT
  • Ruby
  • Ruby on Rails
  • Rust
  • Sage
  • Sass/SCSS [*](#asterisk)
  • Scala
  • Shell Script [**](#double-asterisk)
  • Swift
  • TypeScript
  • Dart
  • Octave
  • Zsh [**](#double-asterisk)
  • Prolog [¢](#cents)

NOTE: Some grammars may require you to install a custom language package.

You only have to add a few lines in a PR to support another.


Ø 1C (BSL) code runs through OneScript interpreter in console mode.

^ Running selections of code for CoffeeScript (Literate) only works when selecting just the code blocks

Erlang uses erl for limited selection based runs (see #70)

* Cucumber (Gherkin), D, Go, F#, Literate Haskell, Jolie, OCaml, PowerShell, and Swift do not support selection based runs

Lisp selection based runs are limited to single line

ϖ Clojure scripts are executed via Leiningen's exec plugin. Both Leiningen and exec must be installed

C, C++, Objective-C, and Objective-C++ are currently only available for Mac OS X (where process.platform is 'darwin'). This is possible due to the commands xcrun clang and xcrun clang++. NOTE: Xcode and the Xcode command line tools are required to ensure xcrun and the correct compilers on your system.

# NCL scripts must end with exit command for file based runs

†† Requires the panzer pandoc wrapper https://github.com/msprev/panzer and the pandoc-flavored-markdown language package in Atom https://atom.io/packages/language-pfm

§ Requires the atom-language-pgsql package in Atom https://atom.io/packages/language-pgsql. Connects as user $PGUSER to database $PGDATABASE. Both default to the operating system's user name and both can be set in the process environment or in Atom's init.coffee script: process.env.PGUSER = ⟨username⟩ and process.env.PGDATABASE = ⟨database name⟩.

\** The shell used is based on your default $SHELL environment variable.

\*** Windows users should manually add jdk path (...\jdk1.x.x_xx\bin) to their system environment variables.

¢ Prolog scripts must contain a rule with the head main (e.g.main:- parent(X,lucas),writeln(X).). The script is executed with the goal main and is halted after the first result is found. The output is produced by the writeln/1 predicates. It requires swipl.

Add a runtime

Additional runtimes can be added to script's grammars.coffee.

  1. Fork the repo
  2. Add a new runtime
  3. Submit a PR

Clojure example

  "Selection Based":
    command: "lein"
    args: (context)  -> ['exec', '-e', context.getCode()]
  "File Based":
    command: "lein"
    args: (context) -> ['exec', context.filepath]